Peter Bargh, ePHOTOzine editor and author of best selling books Teach Yourself Digital Photography and Photoshop 7.0 A to Z, unravels the technical mysteries of digital photography. During the video you'll learn the fundamentals of digital photography and the digital darkroom as Peter explains about all the equipment that you will need to set up your own digital darkroom at home and how to get the best out of it.
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![The Definitive guide to Digital Photography video](assets/img/2504DP-VHS-cover.jpg)
The Definitive guide to Digital Photography is for you if:
- You're shopping for a digital camera, but aren't sure which one to buy.
- You've recently bought a digital camera, but aren't happy with the results.
- You want to buy a digital camera to run along side your existing film equipment.
- You want to know more about all the benefits digital has to offer.
- You want to learn about digital imaging and photo manipulation techniques.
- You want to understand about different file formats and compression methods.
- You want to learn how to get the best out of your printer.
- You're an experienced film photographer who's curious to see what digital is all about.
- You want to learn how to get the best out of your digital camera.
- You want to learn more about outdoor location photography using digital.
![Peter Bargh](assets/img/2504Bargh-for-bottom.jpg)
- Introduction into the world of digital photography
- Advantages of Digital
- Types of cameras
- Equipment (cameras/printers/scanners/ memory cards / software/storage devices)
- The digital camera (features)
- Camera image & quality settings and on board processing explained
- ISO settings & digital (why this is more important than on film cameras)
- Resolution (all about resolution and DPI settings)
- Pros & Cons of both digital and film photography
- The digital shoot (Peter demonstrates shooting digitaly on location)
- Different memory card types (SmartMedia/CompactFlash/IBM MicroDrive etc)
- Card readers (Sandisk model)
- Computers and image editing programmes
- Mac or PC (which one should you get? pros & cons of both systems)
- Photo manipulation techniques using Photoshop on the computer
- Paper & media (different kinds of inkjet printing paper for different applications)
- Megapixels explained
- File formats explained (TIFF/JPEG/PSD/RAW/PNG/EPS)
- The Digital Darkroom (everything you will need to set up your own digital darkroom)
- Printing (techniques/colour management/getting the best quality from your printer)
- Scanning (scanning images and objects effectively using flat-bed scanners)
- Film & slide scanners (scanning negs & slides effectively)
- Adobe Photoshop tutorials (an introduction Photoshop: including filters & special FX)
- Images on the Web
- e-mailing your digital images
- File management and how to store images
Peter goes on location and shows you how to get the best out of your digital camera while shooting at the picturesque setting of Rutland Water in central England.
![Normington Church](assets/img/digital-video-pics.jpg)
During the video Peter shoots on the Olympus E20 professional digital SLR and uses Epson printers, Microtek scanner, Adobe Photoshop 7 software, Sandisk CompactFlash & SmartMedia storage cards, IBM Microdrives, Epson paper, LaCie external hard drive & Iomega external ZIP & hard drives.