Category: Family

A visit from Anto
My very good friend Anto Guerra-Gabaldón came to stay. We went out with my son William and spent a night around Kelham Island…including eating at…
Cycle around Ladybower
We drove over to Ladybower Reservoir in Derbyshire and cycled around the three dams with my son William. We parked just before Fairholmes and cycled…
Meeting with the Bargh family
Fred and Margaret came down from Scotland and we went out to the Red Lion for lunch with John and Sheila Bargh
Day in Boston, Lincs
A day in Boston with Joe and Will …and Emily
Trip to Banham Zoo
A day at Banham Zoo in Norfolk
Racing with Simon
Go to see Simon Coleman compete in the Harwood Speed Hillclimb Class 17 Caterham motor racing event at Stockton Farm with Katie and the. boys. They got to…
RIP Dorothy Bargh
My mum died today. She’d had a couple of stokes, hardening of arteries and angina in her later years. She was an inspiration to me…
First colour photo
I remember this photo being on the sideboard for many of my childhood years. It looks like it was a hand coloured black & white…
Peter Bargh enters the world
Peter Vernon Bargh was born today – son of Dorothy Bargh and Leslie John Bargh
Where it all began
Well as far back as research takes us (thanks to cousin Andrea Jackson) is the Vernon family tree which is my mother’s side and is…