A musical Interlude

Thanks to Robert Baker I have become interested in the world of modular synths and have bought a few pieces of kit including a Moog…

New Camera

Having had over a year off taking proper photos due to a lazy iPhone stage I decided to invest in a new camera. I bought…

Marlon Williams at the Brudenell

I went with Fiona and Douglas to see Marlon Williams at the Brudenell Social Club in Leeds. I wasn’t expecting much but was blown away…

Birthdaysuit Swim

I went for a swim in my birthday suit on my birthday at Dale Dike reservoir. Cold but fun!
tracers washington

Tracers live at the Washington

Tracers played a gig at the Washington pub in Sheffield. I was there with Douglas, Angela & Michael.
Juliper Sky at west street live

Juliper Sky playing West street Live

Juliper Sky  performed an excellent and energetic set at West street Live. I was there with Douglas.  

Creating Smiling Ivy band promo image

Steve from Sheffield reggae ska band Smiling Ivy asked me if I could provide a “pic with a little more Xmas” I’d taken a series…

Mein Glas Fabrik to release first two albums on Vinyl

A very exciting two months for the Mein Glas Fabrik project, involving myself and Mark Holmes of siiiii, that got hardly any exposure in the…