Monsal Dale Viaduct

I wasn’t aware the tunnel at Monsal Dale had been reopened. Well I’m way out of date as it was back in 2011 when the…

Setting up a offline web environment

I’m currently setting up a home off  line web development environment and tried Xampp – I got stuck and the online help didn’t help…so I…

Glass Music in print

Craig Feetham wrote an article for Sheffield’s My Kind of Town magazine and illustrated it with a photo of our band, Glass Music from about…

Some new music to enjoy

I’ve started work on finalising a new album – title to be confirmed and here are excerpts from two tracks. The first provides experimentation unbalanced…

Brian Eno’s Scape

I bought the Scape App for the iPad a few days ago. Scape is a venture into generative music developed by Brian Eno and Peter…

Fine Art America

I’ve just joined to see what it’s all about. I’ve added a photo for sale…one of my favourite landscapes Pete on Fine Art America

Alport Castles

Dave Horton and I went for a circular walk that took us up Win Hill, over to Hope Cross, down to Alport Farm, and then…

William Cheung’s Best Man

Will Cheung tied the knot with Joanna Raines today and he’d invited me to be his best man. We’ve been good friends since he employed…