Old Moor nature reserve

A walk around old moor nature reserve. Entrance fee £4. Hoping to see kingfishers but they must have been hiding.  

Pinterest – I’m in

I decided to join Pinterest last night and finished off my profile today. It’s easy to use and looks visually great, but will it have…

New Kitchen

Today the builders came and fitted my new kitchen worktops. I’ve had them sat around for a few weeks ready to go ahead with the…

This is my Life

Yesterday I finally decided what to do with all the photographs and memorabilia I’ve been storing for years…create a WordPress blog and place it all…

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Headed off up to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park for some photography and it rained! The weather was dismal – drab grey sky and rain. First…

Photo365 – December set

Here is the final of 12 sets of pictures from my photo365 project. This one covers the month of December 2011 Click on the photo…

Photo365 – Day 365 – Happy New Year

I was intending writing Happy New Year with a sparkler for my last photo365. But I’m going to be rather busy this evening so I…

Photo365 – Day 364 – bokeh

When you photograph highlights out of focus they create blobs of colour. The shape and size of the blob is dependent on the aperture configuration…

Photo365 – Day 363 – Raining

My older son came up to stop over. We went for a bike ride yesterday and a curry in the evening. Today it rained all…

Photo365 – Day 362 – Phonebox

I cycled around Clumber Park today and took this shot in Hardwick village through the window of an old red phone box. It’s a mix…