Photo365 – Day 288 – misty morning

View from the park this morning. I was just out a bit too late to catch the thicker mist, but then again I was up…

Photo365 – Day 287 – Shadows

Today was another remarkably warm day, and as the sun was low in the sky shadows were interesting. This is my rusty metal resting near…

Photo365 – Day 286 – Mad

A still-life shot taken using my current favourite combination…the Olympus EP2, Toy lens and +10 macro This is straight out of camera no editing –…

Photo365 – Day 285 – Worksop Cinema Phase 5

The fifth in a series documenting the erection of the new Worksop cinema using an iPhone in HDR mode.

Threat has been detected!

I’ve just had an incident that I’ll explain how to get out of if you ever have the same. If you’re using an anti virus…

Photo365 – Day 284 – Fairy

A garden fairy taken with the Olympus EP2, toy lens and +10 macro adaptor. Her head was positioned to one side of the frame and…

Photo365 – Day 283 – Kitchen drawers

My Olympus EP2 and Toy lens fitted with 10x macro lens provide more fun as I played around in the kitchen. I was shooting surface…

Photo365 – Day 282 – Yellow Pages

When I was young I took a job delivering Yellow Pages (telephone directory) in my spare time in the Wadsley area of Sheffield. I was…

Photo365 – Day 281 screw blues

Another shot taken with my current favourite lens…the toy lens with a macro adaptor attached. The focusing and halation / aberrations is wonderful for macro…

Photo365 – 280 – Paint abstract

A tin of purple paint with the lid off. The light caught the rime and scattered across the paint creating an interesting abstract pattern that…