Photo365 – Day 22 – Waterfall on the River Wye

This was taken today on a trip out to Bakewell with the new Tamron 18-270mm AF lens. It’s a close up shot at the 85mm…

Photo365 – Day 21 – Frosty Leaf

Today has been manic…just realised I hadn’t uploaded my daily pic. This was taken minutes after I got up and minutes before breakfast…what followed was…

Photo365 -Day 20 Egg & Forks

I’ve seen this shot a few times and decided to have a go myself. Usually the forks are the other way up so I have…

Photo365 – Day 19 – A Touch of Frost

It was cold this morning so I took advantage of the weather and photographed the frost on my car. I walked around taking close ups…

Photo365 – Day 18 – Light & Shade

As I walked into the home office this morning I was greeted with a low level sun shining through the blinds. Its the first really…

Photo365 – Day 17 – Home made light modifier

Today is the result of my first attempts with a new light modifier I made earlier in the evening for a portable hot shoe flash.…

Photo365 – Day 16 – Padley Gorge

The weather was rubbish today – raining and grey, but I needed to get out of the house so took a stroll around Padley Gorge.…

Photo365 – Day 14 – New Desk

After about 10 years of use I decided it was time to buy a new computer desk. The one I’d been using was an old…

Photo365 – Day 13 – chickpeas

I love chickpeas…and as I’ve started to cook more this is one ingredient I’ll be slipping into meals from time to time. So today I’m…