Photo365 – Day 2

Well the family decided to go to the shops and one of my resolutions was to shop less. So I decided to fulfil another resolution…

Photo365 – Day 1

Here’s my first shot for my new Photo 365 Project taken tonight. I’ve been meaning to get round to photographing oil on water after reading…

New Project – Photo365

Like most people I make New Year Resolutions every year, but I don’t normally have a photography one. This year, as well as the usual…

Another ambition achieved

It’s always been an ambition of mine to have a mass produced CD of material I’ve recorded. Over the years (many years ago actually) I …


Today I went out into the woods to photograph snow. As I walked around this huge tree branch came crashing down from a great height.…

Back to film with Fujifilm’s GF670

I’m currently testing the Fujifilm GF670 for ePHOTOzine, the review will go live in a week or so. It’s quite fascinating that Fujifilm, who’ve reduced…

Steampunk in Lincoln

I went to a Steampunk gathering at Lincoln this weekend.  I’d heard a bit about steampunk and knew it was a visually interesting dress style,…

Fatal error: Allowed memory size exhausted in WordPress 3.0 upgrade

Have you upgraded to WordPress 3.0 and got the following message when trying to automatically update to 3.01? Fatal error: Allowed memory size of xxxxxxxx…

Fashion shoot

I recently took some photos to help young fashion designer Harriet Brookes produce a portfolio for her degree. She was awarded a First Class Honours.…